To be able to lead anyone anywhere
you need to know where you’re going.

We can help you get there.

G42 is a 9 month Leadership Academy.

We help young adults become who God created them to be through leadership development, community living, and transformative discipleship.


Our Mission

G42 exists to empower leaders who are passionate about giving their lives to Christ, His message of radical love, and establishing the Kingdom of God around the world.

Our Vision

Our vision is to see thousands of communities, businesses, enterprises all over the world practicing the Kingdom way of Jesus.

Intimacy. Community. Mission.

Grow your relationship with God.
Learn how to live in relationship with others.
Be the real you in the world.

The Leadership Academy

Our academy experience takes place in 3 stages. Each stage is 3 months long.


1. Identity.

G42 is a “coming home to yourself.” We believe that you can’t fully love others, if you don’t first love the person God created you to be. At G42, you will have time to rediscover the fullness of who you are and what you were created for.


2. Practicum.

Practicums are the time to take what you’ve learned and apply it to real world problems. Interns will have an honest time to apply teachings, and return to debrief and solidify their faith as they prepare to return to regular life.


3. Discipleship.

“Discipleship is spelled T-I-M-E.” - Andrew Shearman

At G42, we give you our time, walking with you as you uncover your identity and purpose in the Kingdom of God.

Lifestyle of an Intern


Training and

Interns have class four and a half days a week, Monday through Friday morning. Each week, there is a new leader teaching on a particular subject they seek to impart to the interns.

Life in

Interns live in homes together. Living as a family is a fundamental practice of growth, stretching, and grace. The kitchen table is the center of the community; meals are eaten together as a family.

Dreaming and Planning

Interns have time to explore different avenues to build their dream businesses and ministries. Planning these dreams out step by step, using their unique gifting, is pivotal to what comes next.

What Our People Are Saying


“G42 opened my heart to the mystery of Christ in us. Giving me space to explore His Kingdom, I lead from Jesus is Lord, and in Him we move and have our being.”

— Alisha Allen

“G42 gave me a deeper understanding of the authority I carry as a daughter of the King. Through [that], I can now speak true identity into those around me leading them to freedom. G42 handed me the tools I needed to become the woman I was created to be all along.”

— Elizabeth Puersten

“G42 equips its interns with the teachings, lessons and experiences to truly learn how to lead others by first learning how to lead oneself in a transformational way of life.”

— Andrew Schacht

We want to see you become the leader you were born to be.